Guide to choosing state management library for your next project
Bài viết được sự cho phép của tác giả Thanh Lê Why should you read this article? There is a set of criteria when choosing a library for Frontend State Management What is state management? What does state management care about? Have a bunch of reasons to drop Redux Usually, people who find this post gonna be in one of two groups A Frontend engineer is too tired, suffer from redux 😵💫 Are you just starting out in frontend and want to learn more about state management If you're in group 1 then... Great, I'm writing this post with 80% of my energy wanting to get rid of redux 😄. If you belong to group 2, this post will help you have more perspectives on state management, how to act cool with colleagues So what the hell is State management? If you find "what is state management" on Google, there are quite a few definitions, but it can be summarized into two main ideas as follows: ☠️ State is the skeleton of the application 🏃 State management is to manage that skeleton It's fuking simple, right? FAQ The skeleton of the application? Why state management? I don't care about state management when I code jQuery? Does state management only applies to React? Why do I hate Redux If you have any questions, I am more than happy to reply in the comment section So which state management to choose? In this part, I only focus on React, because my current job is [...]
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