
Frontend Developer


1503, tầng 15, tòa nhà văn phòng IPH, 241 Xuân Thủy, Phường Dịch Vọng Hậu, Quận Cầu Giấy, Thành phố Hà Nội
Mô tả công việc
Giới thiệu về công ty

We’re looking for web developer for our Rectjs projects. To achieve upper-range of the salary, you must have some skills in the “Nice-to-have” section.

Trách nhiệm công việc

  • Delivering quality work by writing maintainable source code.
  • Design RESTful API
  • Make documentation (, technical analysis, deployment instruction, performance report)
  • Handle technical problems when problems arise in the project.
  • Enhance and refactor your code on a daily basis
  • Review others' source code

Kỹ năng & Chuyên môn

  • At least 02 years of experience with RectJS and NextJS frameworks.
  • Experience in HTML, CSS, JS.
  • Understanding of state management, proficient use of state management libraries such as zustand, recoid, joitai.
  • Experience with UI frameworks such as tailwin, shadcn.
  • Experience in management, custom components, code optimization, rereder handling.
  • Experience using hooks and class components.
  • Knowledge of DOM, Virtual DOM.
  • Build core for project.
  • Processing API data.
  • Having mobile experience is an advantage.

Phúc lợi dành cho bạn

  • 13th month salary
  • All benefits as well as insurance, bonus, holidays, ...
  • Annual workshop trip
  • Receive professional guidance and training
  • Working in a creative, friendly, youthful, and dynamic environment
  • Get to work right after the interview
  • Working time: 8h-17h or 9h-18h ( Monday to Friday)

Thông Tin Công ty


2 vị trí tuyển dụng

Thông tin công ty

Ngành nghề

Phần Mềm

Quy mô công ty

25-99 Nhân viên

Quốc tịch công ty


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Thông tin chung

Năm kinh nghiệm tối thiểu

Cấp bậc

Loại hình

Loại hợp đồng

Các công nghệ sử dụng

Quy trình phỏng vấn

  • Vòng 1: 1 interview round with CTO

⚙️ Hỗ trợ ứng viên

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