Your brand Protection and AI partner.

Về chúng tôi

FAIKERZ is a legal tech company with a mission of complete brand value protection.

A brand is not just a name.

We understand what and how long it takes to build up a brand.

We do acknowlege of your passion, sweat and tears in the path of building up your own brand amongst amongst many others

Your brand is life and dream of you, your colleagues, and your family.

We are here to protect your dream.

Infringing or stealing such a valuable brand shall not be tolerated.

However, uncountable brand infringing activities are happening even at this moment.

Faikerz promises to sweep away all these infringement against your brand value with AI tech and legal expertise.

We, Faikerz protect your dream.

(WorkFrom Home, High reward according to Skill)


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  • South-Korea


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