LF Global Tech
LF Global Tech

LF Global Tech

A leading company in the field of Financial Technologies.

About us

LF Global Tech is a global technology company headquartered in Singapore  And has subsidiaries in many countries such as Vietnam, the USA, Singapore, Canada, and Turkey. We lead the market with new and revolutionary ideas with 16 years of experience in finance and technology. We provide security solutions and products for System management, Metaquotes, Mobile Applications, and Websites with our professional and experienced IT team in our company branches.


  • HI, SI pursuant to the State Regulations
  • Signing Bonus
  • Seniority and YOE bonus
  • 12 paid leave
  • Referrals Bonus
  • Birthday bonus
  • Ideal Bonus
  • Project bonus
  • Expertise certification completion bonus
  • Facilitate upgrading expertise and soft skill
  • Annual Team Building
  • From Monday to Friday (8:50-18:00, an hour lunch break)

General information


Product, Fintech

Company size



  • Singapore


Contact information

Office address

  • Tòa nhà Victory House, 19 Đinh Bộ Lĩnh, Phường 24, Quận Bình Thạnh, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh