About us
HR2B Client’s are top companies in their industry in VietNam. They use HR2B to find the best talent that matches their needs as quickly and effectively as possible.
HR2B specialises in manager and professional level jobs.
HR2B has over 30 consultants in 3 cities and handle over 350 jobs each day.
Our consultants are trained in executive search techniques, and international standard customer service. HR2B consultants;
Keep you confidential.
Keep you informed.
Work to create a win/win deal with your next employer.
HR2B service is free for you the candidate.
Not all job opportunities are advertised, so we encourage you to become a member at www.hr2b.com and share your CV with us
Contact HR2B today.
Uniting Talent with Opportunity.
General information
Contact information
Office address
5 Nguyen Gia Thieu St, Dist 3, HCMC, Vietnam