Vsee Lab
Vsee Lab

Vsee Lab

About us

VSee is a telemedicine software company based in Silicon Valley, California. It allows doctors to see patients via webcam using mobile devices or computers. It is also the only video system allowed on the International Space Station - how astronauts see their doctors. VSee users include Hillary Clinton, Angelina Jolie, Linkin Park, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, and was even used at President Obama's Inauguration.

VSee is a fun-loving, adventurous company with annual wakeboarding trip and various company outings. Many team members are also involved with humanitarian work. Our goal is to help each team member explore their professional interests and learn the skills to become a better version of themselves.

General information



Company size



  • United States

    United States

Contact information

Office address

  • HN, Thành phố Hà Nội

  • HCM, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh